• Schaefer Downey posted an update 3 years, 4 months ago

    Currently more than twenty types of stones with healing and healing properties are known. Its use as a method of healing is based on the theory that they possess certain vibrations that, when activated, act on the body.

    Both intuition and intent can be used to activate the healing powers of stones. In fact, visualization or active imagination serve as triggers for energy to begin to flow into the stone.

    From that moment on, the stone will channel this energy that can be projected into the part of the body that needs healing.

    Healing with stones through chakrasOne of the most common methods for using healing stones is through the chakras, the seven energetic points of the human body.After choosing the most suitable stone not only for the chakra that we want to open but also for the ailment that we are going to treat, we must lay it on this energetic point.

    It is advisable to carry this out horizontally,that is, by lying down. However, if this is not possible for various reasons, it can always be carried in the hand, in the pocket or in the form of a jewel but always in contact with the body.

    Meditation will help you focus the energy of the stone on the corresponding chakraBefore and after using them, remember to clean and recharge them. For this you can put them under running water, in sunlight or the full moon or bury them.

    Some stones with healing propertiesAgate

    agata to healThe Agate Stone helps to improve digestive problems and also to balance emotions. In addition, depending on its color it has some properties or others.Yellow relaxes the nervous system, blue provides serenity, cornaline promotes concentration, orange provides sexual energy, brown increases energy, lilac relieves insect bites and green promotes the heart, gallbladder and liver.Aquamarine

    aquamarine to cureThis stone symbolizes relaxation and serenity and also purifies.It helps stabilize feelings and is also useful in the case of blisters, migraines, infections and tremors. Strengthens personality. Amethyst

    amethyst to cureAmethyst is effective at overcoming addictions. It also reduces stress so it is very useful in meditation. It is used to treat skin diseases, vaginal problems, migraines and spasms.Strengthens in the case of difficult births. It generates dominion and will and neutralizes sadness.Amazonite

    amazonite to cureIt relaxes the nape and spine and also relieves the headache. It has calming and antispasmodic effects and also serves heart-related conditions.It was formerly widely used to prevent insect bites. Amber

    amber to healAmber is one of the stones that has the most properties. It relieves headaches as well as bronchitis and asthma, as well as mouth-related diseases: bleeding gums, gingivitis, cavities and inflammations in the tonsils.It is used to lower the fever and reduce the symptoms of the cold. Solves gastrointestinal problems and bladder diseases. It’s good for deafness, malaria and goiter.Aventurine

    aventine to cureThe Aventina provides tranquility, peace and stability. It is good to relax the emotional and sentimental tensions arising from couple problems. Heals skin-related problems.  Beryl

    beryl to cureThis stone is especially used in cases of respiratory problems.It also acts on the intellect of the person to balance the energies of the mind with instinctive ones. Chalcedony

    chalcedony to cureIt helps the dissolution of kidney stones and improves mental discomfort and related to mood changes.Alleviate fever and soothe convulsive states. Promotes healing of various organs in the body. Citrine

    citrine to cureIt is very useful for everything related to the endocrine and nervous system such as intestinal and skin problems due to stress and diseases of the pancreas as well as for diabetes and kidney failure.  Quartz

    quartz to cureQuartz stone is usually linked to energy so it’s convenient to carry it on if we’ve been through surgery as it will help us recover faster.It also stimulates the immune system. Carnelian

    cornaline to cureIt has a relaxing effect so it eliminates states of courage, discomfort and irritability. It creates a sense of well-being in the body.It works especially on the liver, pancreas, gallbladder and bile ducts. Emerald

    emerald to cureIt is highly recommended in cases where there are problems with blood circulation.In addition, it neutralizes negative energies that can affect the body and helps treat throat-related problems. Hematite

    hematite to cureIt improves everything to do with blood, such as bleeding and anemia. It also treats ailments related to the kidneys, spleen and liver.It helps in cases of cancer, tumors or cysts as it regenerates tissues and also relieves migraines and tension in the neck and back.Jade

    green jade stoneThe Aztecs already considered it to be a particularly useful stone in the case of kidney disease and today it is still used for its healing effects on the bladder and kidneys.It also solves difficult digestions and treats other diseases such as migraine, infertility, cramping or herpes.Jasper

    jasper to healIt is good for treating liver-type diseases and any type of infection. In addition, it regulates excess appetite in pregnant women and relieves their nausea.It is also useful for reducing pains caused by menstruation. Pyrite

    pyrite to cureIt is closely related to diseases and ailments that have to do with the airways. It oxygenates the blood and renews the circulatory system in addition to curing gastritis and other ailments of the digestive system.It is also useful for improving liver function. Rhodocrodita

    rhodocrodita to cureIt has varied applications ranging from treating psychological problems to nail infections to stress relief, wound healing, liver complications or eye-related problems. Tourmaline

    tourmaline to cureIt is appropriate to relieve severe pains such as those caused by cancer or chemotherapy. In addition, it relaxes the nervous system by also seeking a balance of emotions.


    It helps maintain normal hormone production and cures kidney stones.