• The saying "vegetarian" can make many people visualize hippies from the 1960s and ’70s eating only tofu and bean sprouts.

    This is a completely false image. Hippies no longer exist. And vegetarians eat a lot more than tofu and bean sprouts.

    Today’s vegetarian lifestyle includes people from all avenues of life: celebrities, politicians,…[Read more]

  • The term "vegetarian" helps make many people visualize hippies in the 1960s and ’70s eating only tofu and bean sprouts.

    This is the completely false image. Hippies not exist. And vegetarians eat over tofu and bean sprouts.

    Today’s vegetarian lifestyle includes individuals from all avenues of life: celebrities, politicians, athletes, even…[Read more]

  • MacKinnon Sommer became a registered member 3 years, 6 months ago