• 21. An individual walk efficient? Yes = plus only. Ride to work? Yes = plus distinct. Drive to work? Yes = minus thirdly.
    canna magazine : Walking offers fitness benefits, as well as a sense self-reliance and personal freedom (no gridlock!).

    Where is your ancestral home? (if not given, enter a score of 0). US = minus a pair. Austria-UK = minus…[Read more]

  • 21. Do you walk to operate? Yes = plus 3. Ride to work? Yes = plus 1st. Drive to work? Yes = minus couple of. FACT: Walking offers fitness benefits, as well as a feeling of self-reliance and private freedom (no gridlock!).

    Your not ‘giving up’ anything A modification of mindset is got. You are not missing out on anything – quite turned around…[Read more]

  • Snedker Hanley became a registered member 3 years, 6 months ago