Do you make new years resolutions? I think we all do, but how many of us actually stick to them? For me it’s always the usual ‘eat healthier, get organized, exercise’ and after a week of being all gung-ho, I fall straight back into old habits. Yet, every year I continue to make resolutions, and spout them with wide-eyed conviction to everyone who asks.
This year I rounded up the team and demanded asked they all make nail themed resolutions, and being the type of Editor that I am (thoughtful, kind, fastidious about our staff being well manicured and pedicured at all times) you can bet your cuticle oil I’ll be following up with everyone. Perhaps I’ll even implement show-and-tell during our weekly meetings. Too far? Happy new year, and here’s to a magical 2014! – Elise
The Boss-lady
Ruth – Lets be honest my nails have been a hot mess this year; with my crazy busy life I often skip base coat. The result is horrendous yellow nails. I can hear our Editor Elise’s voice in my head every time I go to skip it, “Ruth have I taught you nothing, use base coat”. So my nail resolution is to take an extra 5 minutes to use a base coat. Actually I may even go purchase a bottle.
(Eds note: I bought Ruth the Butter LONDON Top and Tails set for Christmas so she has NO EXCUSES!!)
The PR Babes
Marie – My New Year’s nail resolution is to not wear neutral colors anymore. Gone are the days of Essie’s Ballet Slippers and Limo-Scene. I will embrace color and nail art in 2014!
Karina – My resolutions are:
– Stop biting my nails (last years resolutions)
– Incorporate more girly colors into my manicures, because apparently pink makes my feet look pretty (I love blue and green hues way too much!)
– Take more vitamins (biotin) for my nails (and hair) to grow.
Marisa – My resolutions are:
– Try a new type of manicure each month (Eds note: you just volunteered yourself as the office guinea pig!)
– Bring my own polish to the salon so I can do touch-ups between visits
The Words Girls
Elise – I’m a terrible cuticle picker, particularly in winter when everything is drier than the sahara, and/or I’m stressed. 2014 is going to be the year of the cuticle oil for me – I am in love with the Formula X for Sephora Quench cuticle oil so I’ll be buying a bottle for my desk, one for my bedside table, one for my purse, and one for my coffee table so I never have an excuse!
Mette – My New Years resolution is to grow my nails longer, and get them healthier and stronger, as currently they are very brittle and weak. Also I would like to try and do at least one home manicure a week and try to use some of my colors that I don’t wear very often, i.e not favor my favorite colors all the time.
The Resident Expert
Gerry – For 2014:
– My number one resolution is to stop biting my nails! As a professional manicurist, obsessed with nail polish, biting my nails makes absolutely no sense. It’s like the cobbler’s children having no shoes!
– Maintain my polish by using a gel topcoat.
– Carry a small bottle of cuticle oil in my purse to moisturize whenever I’m dry