Nailing It: A Thing of Beauty

Nailing It with Isaiah Negron manicures for men

In the last post, I spoke about how the desire for male beauty is not only permeating our society, but also becoming a real and ever-present archetype of what the modern man should be aspiring to. Coincidentally, just a week later BuzzFeed launched an international campaign showcasing the standards of what makes a man “beautiful” from all around the world. In less than a week, the video went viral and amassed over three million views, and the count is still climbing.

Using 12 countries, qualities that make up a man’s face, hair, body and skin tone, down to the finest details, were analyzed and picked out as what each country was found to consider most desirable. The smoldering sample came from the Unites States, Brazil, Italy, India, the U.K., Australia, South Africa, Mexico, the Philippines, Turkey, Nigeria and South Korea.  Specific to the United States, the American ideal body type boasts a broader upper body and a slimmer waist, the highly desirable “V-shape.” Studies also showed in recent years the trends in grooming have bent heavily in the direction of what has come to be coined “lumbersexual,” the bearded, scruffy plaid-wearing guy.  It was also found that the U.S. and Canada account for 9% of the entire global men’s skin care industry, keeping in mind that the U.S and Canada only make up 4.8% of the world’s population according to The United States Census Bureau. No pressure, guys.

No matter what surveys tell us about what the world considers the epitome of male beauty, the fact remains that standards and ideals are constantly changing. So keep in mind while you’re working on your pecs at the gym or thinking about changing up your hairstyle, the objectification of the male form is just beginning to hit the mainstream. Despite the trends and what the billboards push at you, beauty is ultimately in the eye of the beholder.

Just for kicks to see what you’re up against on a global scale, check out BuzzFeed’s video on the ideals of male beauty here.

Check back here every other Tuesday for more reviews and tips on how guys are Nailing It when it comes to their grooming.

Image credit to Buzzfeed
Isaiah Negron

A native New Yorker, a writer, a doer, a reader, a dreamer, a Disney junkie, a literature buff, an avid gamer and all kinds of stuff...then you run out of space.

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